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Writer's picturebarbjwoolley


Hello to you from the far, far west. I am here on the cusp of the fault line, the abyss, in a metaphysical sense. We are preparing to take the greatest leap known to mankind in millions of years. Into the unknown, into the new creation. It takes a fearless soul to make this leap. Faith is what will carry you, just like faith and an elevated mindset allows the fire walker to walk on hot coals that the ordinary mind tells a person is impossible. Believe, dear friends, that you can do the impossible. Break it down to: I AM Possible! I AM POSSIBLE! For this is our goal. We are seeking reunion, which is only a thought away, with the mighty I AM. It’s like, you know, looking for your car keys and they’ve been there all the time in your pocket. Except this time, what you seek is in your Sacred Heart. Well, isn’t that something!

Yes, Barbara is wondering who is speaking, does not recognize my voice. I am the Spirit of Love! I am the essence of God in a dropped down equation so that she can hear me today. I enjoy a western, meaning, cowboy style enunciation. Maybe I am kin to Woody. Maybe I created him! And there is not a Woodina. No Adam’s Rib type of a situation here. Oh no, definitely not. No Lovina, either. But there is Shekhinah. She has existed from a time far long ago, long before I dropped into your awareness. We radiations come and go, like waves on the mighty ocean to deliver energy onto the physical, the sands of earthly lived life. This is the same way in which Rama, Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, and all the teachers, known and not known, arrive, then depart after dropping their load of wisdom from the Source of Life. We will do almost anything to wake you, dear sleepy ones up, we say! Because the physical is ephemeral, we agree to tasks that you wonder about, asking yourself: Would I have the courage to do what they have done? The truth is, you do the same every single day. It takes stamina and fortitude to give over yourselves to the realm of turbulence in which you reside on a daily basis.

What is above is below, what is within is without. So, let us breathe this idea in for a few moments: the idea that we are the same in our original construction, outer appearances irrelevant for this moment. Put your hands on your heart. Ask your Divine Self to drop down the elixir of love from the Chidikash. As this energy streams into your brain, cascades downward through your chakra system, marma points and into your nadis, feel the deepening of Self within your everyday self. You may feel a little floaty. This is the Wave. Float in the sensation like you enjoy floating on Mother Ocean’s salty waters. There is nowhere to go, nothing to concern yourself about. There is only this moment of remembered union. While you sense movement, there is also peacefulness, calm, and serenity. Take in a big breath, hold a moment, then exhale so that you can hear the breath release. Do this again. Your hands are still on your heart. Your nose knows the Way. Breathe in through your nose and out through your nose. Breathe in to the count of purple. Energize this inbreath in your heart, send to your hara two inches below your navel, energize then send through your Earth Star Chakra into Mother Earth. Breathe up her blue essence, breathe Her into your Sacred Heart, then send her essence up through your crown into the Chidikash and all the way to the heavenly realms. You may feel some tingling in your feet. As well, in your crown. Breathe down the liquid opalescent elixir of rainbow hued love from Source. Fill your body, heart, mind and spirit with this energy through a sequence of breaths in your Sacred Heart. With each outbreath, gradually fill the subtler aspects of your spiritual body. There is nothing else but right now, right here. Send out, now, a series of breaths through your residential area, through the fields of Mother Earth’s atmosphere, and beyond into the Cosmos. Your energy gently radiates to join with the breath of all who are awake this fine day. The dolphins are orchestrating this exercise. They have never forgotten the connection of which they, and you, are emanations. Notice the deepening within your perceived form. You may feel that your external outer structure has dissolved. Do not be alarmed. We are showing you whom you are, in truth. No barriers. Oneness. Pure loving Breath of God. Pure. You are pure Love…Light…Eternal. Float in this knowing.

We know that you live in the Land of Time, the limiting construct that you decided long ago to experience. You are at least willing to shift the time construct around a bit through DST. Yep, we use your lingo. Where do you think it came from? 😊 Nothing is. Everything is. Time is. Time is not. And now, it is time to move on into the day. Begin to bring your awareness back from the farthest reaches of the Cosmos. Become physically sensate. Feel your feet on the floor, your breath, your nose, your toesy toes. Come all the way back into your physical body. Let us give thanks for our spiritual breakfast time.


We are grateful for your presence.

We love you.



(c) Tuesday, March 16, 2021, brought forward today by Barbara J. Woolley, Messenger.

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