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Writer's picturebarbjwoolley


Two nights ago, I watched as the tall grassy field across the street was mown to nubbles. The thrasher mashed the field from 5:00 pm until at least midnight, lights blaring in the darkness to reveal the way. Grandmother Moon was shielded by clouds. The work loudly went on until it was done. I thought about all the creature beings who lived in those grasses. Were they given fair warning that such comprehensive mowing was to take place? Did anyone take the time to acknowledge them, valuing their existence so that they could find another home? The machinery moved very quickly over the vast expense.

Yesterday morning provided testimony that many died during the night. The field was populated by a large committee of vultures, a murder of crows, and later in the day, one golden eagle. They dined leisurely. There was no hunt. They did not have to work to fill their bellies. I guess there is some grace in that fact.

But I ask you, do you ask permission from the creature beings, the plants and trees, the rocks and minerals, before taking what you want? At the very least, do you give fair warning? Maybe the man who mowed did communicate with those little ones in the thresher’s path. Those who died may have decided it was time to move on. But I truly doubt that this was the case. Few remember how it is to live as one with all the Earth and her many inhabitants.

Loving kindness. As Franciscan Father Svet appealed during a morning homily in Medjugorje, “Can’t we just love one another?” Love can and will change the world if we allow Love to be our guiding mantra and way-shower.

May you have a blessed day.

With love,

Barb Woolley

 © Barbara J. Woolley, Messenger, Wednesday, August 21, 2024. Please share this message in its entirety. If you would like to subscribe to my blog emails, go to: Comments are welcome!





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