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Writer's picturebarbjwoolley


I really don't know what this blog is going to be about. Letting you know in advance that this could be on the wild side. Okay, here we go...

Yes, last night was a wild night in the wild northwoods. About 8:30 pm I was in bed reading when the distinctive sound of a Native American flute called to my attention. Next, the flute sounds gave way to the always amazing sounds of coyotes yip yip yipping to announce that they had found food. They carried on in their distinctive way for quite a few minutes. And then, I heard, twice, the sound of wolf howling. You may think I am strange but I find a deep comfort knowing that these beautiful creatures are alive and well. May they live long and be happy. They are expressions of Creator in physical form. Bless them all for they help to maintain a balanced ecosystem while teaching us many lessons. I surely hope to hear them again tonight.

I should have known that there would be something remarkable last night. As soon as I walked outside into night's darkness the stars grabbed my eyes. So beautiful, they sparkled in the deep blue-black sky. Ancient, primordial, they reached deep into my bones. Just like the wolves and coyotes. Pay attention, my friends as the larger creation speaks to you. Stop, watch, take her majesty in. We only have the moment when such moments appear.

This morning the blessings continued. Stepping outside, Sun was rising in the east. She grew larger and larger as she called to me to look at, feel and take in her great light as she seemed to move directly toward me. So much joy in her riveting outreach today! As I walked on, the fading for the day Half Wolf Moon grabbed my attention. Her voice was soft, subtle and loving as she too shared her energy with me.

I am thankful for this world in which we live that is fully alive. Our relationship is reciprocal rather than one-way. Experiences such as last night's and this morning's remind me of the importance of giving thanks while treating all life as sacred. To have such encounters is to be embraced fully by the divine which is us and all around us. It's a precious felt experience.

Many blessings to each of you on this first day of February 2024.

Barb Woolley

(c) Barbara J. Woolley, Spiritual Mediator and Messenger, Thursday, February 1, 2024. Feel free to share this post with others, but do so in its entirety. Thank you. If you would like to send me a message, you can do so @ Also, if you would like to make a donation, please click the Donate button on this website. Donations are always appreciated!






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